50’s Housewife!
Ok, so ’50’s Housewife’ doesn’t really inspire glamour but I’m not thinking Ena Sharples with rollers, rather Audrey Hepburn, who generally and seemingly effortlessly acheived it! Lucky her…
This is the back of a small black velvet pill, worn at an angle and with it’s hard shape softened by merry widow spot veiling, silk & velvet flowers, and a curled feather. Just, well, a classic, really; it is a formal look but easy to wear, and non-intrusive… lets say subtle elegance rather than one-upmanship!
It is easy to get distracted at present as my studio window overlooks the river Tone, at, perhaps, it’s widest point. The river is forever busy with ducks gossiping, fighting and busying themselves with something or other, in the present season it’s generally a bit of the other… There are also the new swans vying for female attention and territorial rights, presided over by the elders, not to mention the local inhabitants gathering at the nightclub over the water… it is a wonder I get anything done sometimes!
This is a pretty little hat blocked in buckram over a crown block from 1948 (I guess this as there is newspaper pushed into the spinner hole with this date on it, but the style certainly suggests so). When making small hats I like to vary the textures and add more elements (large hats=simple trims, small hats=go mad) as I am trying to create a striking style not relying on sheer size and volume. The crown is ribboned net, with a wool tartan brim, spot veiling, and, although not prominent in this picture, a striped silk wired ribbon trim to the back. Wired ribbons are huge fun, therein you can create form with surface pattern and can manipulate it to taste. Any fabric can be used, so there is potential to incorporate one’s outfit if it appeals!
Again; wired silk fabric forms a bow at the back of this delicate tilted pill. I have also used a couple of spines to give it accent, it is worn perched over one eye, and although small, is very stylish. I may wear it on the Queen’s Jubilee.
I have spent most of today making an enormous dragonfly headdress using willow as a base structure. It is an experiment towards my three day teaching at a school next week where I will be attempting to coerce a class of 10 yr olds into making carnival ‘Butterfly Ball’ headdresses… good luck me! Photos to follow.
24 February 2012
Well, well, well, L H Burrows Hats is now in it’s ninth year of business in Taunton, and it seems timely to have a fresh, sparkly new website and also to branch out a little. I have relaxed my strict criteria somewhat, this is either called ‘moving with the times’ or just getting older and wiser. The mainstay of business is still special occasion bespoke millinery, and the showroom is continually being reinvented with the latest styles that I create, usually inspired by the people that I meet. Iam really enjoying a (personal) revival of what may be termed ‘Fifties Housewife’ styles; I like to make a ‘holding structure’, not too large, and dress it with flowers, wired ribbon and sumptuous bows, merry widow spot veiling and pretty much anything else it can stand whilst retaining structural integrity. Why manage a large straw,when a small piece, which will frame and enhance the face (instead of hiding it) can be so attractive? Photos to come as soon as a sunny day allows!
Branching Out
We are currently awaiting with huge excitement the arrival, from Christys’ Hats, of a range of gentleman’s hats which has been selected and will be managed by the terminally sartorial Jules Bushell, and will provide a selection of classic headwear for gentlemen of all ages. Hopefully this will also address social inclusion; Thus far at their partner’s fittings, gentlemen have been relegated to varying levels of consultation, and have been largely humoured or ignored (in my experience, anything reminescent of Audrey Hepburn is the ideal mens choice for their beloved). Now, however, the gentleman will have the choice either to involve himself in the choosing of his partners hat, or indulge his own vanity, whether his partner is a lady or a man!
I have also been enjoying some theatrical endeavours for my local theatre; The Brewhouse Theatre and Arts Centre in Taunton. I work here some evenings as part of the front of house team and love being part of the creative buzz and drama that goes with live shows. A few pictures on this site show our in-house productions of ‘The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe’ and ‘Alice’, which I was lucky enough to be able to make some headwear for. I also made little fly agaric mushrooms topped with blue caterpillars and mini playing-card top hats for the box office staff and the front of house team to wear throughout the run… Fun!!
And also I have been making sample pieces to accompany Sassi Holford’s new venture into special occasion wear (alongside her beautiful, classic wedding dresses), which is now accommodated upstairs in her Taunton shop.
Right, there is more, but I think the inclusion of some photographs would be timely, fingers crossed for sunshine tomorrow!
Hello and Welcome!
Now that this site is so nearly live, I have removed the nonsense. I merely await some real news……